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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


The Master of Education (MEd) program is a 2-year program for current and future teachers and administrators who desire Christian integration in their vocation. It is mainly designed to produce Christian teachers and administrators who can educate their students based on biblical worldview in primary and secondary schools. The program’s emphasis lies on students’ Christian worldview formation as well as their acquisition of educational and administrative knowledge and skills through various biblically integrated courses and practices. There are two tracks in this program: Teacher Track and Administrator Track. Teacher Track students can earn the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) professional teacher certificate. By taking additional courses, Administrator Track students can earn the ACSI principal certificate on top of the teacher certificate
Class Hour

English Program: Tuesday through Thursday evening classes, and Saturday classes (for Teacher Track) / Monday through Thursday evening classes and Saturday classes (*for Administrator Track)

Graduation Requirement

Pass 36 credits for Teacher Track / Pass 45 credits for Administrator Track, and obtain a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0.
Complete 2 semesters of Field Education.
Pass the comprehensive exam.
Complete the program within a maximum 4 years.

MEd Curriculum (English Program) [PDF]

Academic Information

Academic Load: Average 10 credits per semester (Up to 11 credits can be taken)
Students must fulfill their 2-semester Field Education requirement at a local church or Christian organization while they are enrolled at Torch Trinity.
Students can register Practical Field Education at a Christian school.

Features of Torch Trinity's MEd Program [PDF]