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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

Certificate & ID Card

Student ID card
Student ID Card
- The first Student ID Card issued during the first semester will be provided without cost by the school.
- Student should have their ID Card with them at all times while they are at school.
- As ID Cards are used to confirm student identity, sharing ID Cards is prohibited.
- In the case that a student stops-out or withdraws from the school, the student must return his/her ID Card to the Academic office.
Photos used for ID Cards are the same photos used on the Online Service.
- In the case that a ID Card goes missing or is broken, students are required to pay for any reissued ID Cards.
- If a student loses a Student ID Card which has the additional function of being a Woori Bank check card, he/she should report the loss immediately to Woori Bank and get the card reissued.
- If student want to change the photo on his/her ID Card, a new photo should be submitted to the office.
Fee Issuing Period
12,000 won (including the post fee) Within 7 days
  • Fill out Request Form

  • Order from Card Company

  • Transporting

  • Pick up Card