Meal service in the Dining Hall (B2) temporarily closed: September.12 to September. 13.
Due to the Onnuri Holy Communion preparation, the Dining Hall (B2) will be closed for
2 days from Tue., September.12[Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner] to Wed., September. 13.[Breakfast]
Therefore please remind that there will be no meal service available during that time.
Torch Trinity Business Office
학생식당 이용안내~*
2023년 9월 12(화)[조식, 중식 석식] ~13일(수), [조식]
온누리교회 성찬 포도주 준비로 인해
식당을 이용하실수 없습니다.
횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교 사무처