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Apply for Stop-out & Return 

휴학  복학 안내


Stop-out (휴학)

* Application Period (신청기간)

 : Mon, July 22 ~ Fri, September 20 / 7월 22일() ~ 9월 20()

1) To apply stop-out, please go to the TTGU Online Service login and print the Application Form:

Personal Records > Application for Stop-out > History of Record Change > Stop-out Form > Print

(TTGU Online Service 로그인 > 학적 > 휴학신청 > 학적변동이력  > 신청서 인쇄)

2) Email to your advisor and get confirmation. 지도교수에게 이메일로 확인

3) Forward the email you received from your advisor with your application to Mr. Pil-Won Kim,

교수에게 받은 이메일과 휴학신청서를 담당자에게 이메일로 제출 (

* If you apply to stop-out for the health reason, please attach a medical report issued by the doctor.(질병 휴학일 경우 병원 진단서 첨부바람)

4) If you need to return the locker key or return a book to library

사물함 키와 도서관에서 대출한 도서의 반납이 필히 완료되어야 함


Return (복학)

* Application Period (신청기간)

Mon, July 22 ~ Fri, August 23 / 7월 22일() ~ 8월 23()


1) To apply Return from Stop-out through the TTGU Online Service (no document)

Personal Records > Application for Return from Stop-out  
 (TTGU Online Service 로그인 학적 > 복학 신청)

2) Then let us know about it (02-570-7376, 

  (교학처에 반드시 확인 연락)