Personal Profile: My name is Raju
Chhetri, and my Christian name is Rejoice. I am from Nepal . M y
home town is Pokhara where I was born. Pokhara is the second
city of Nepal . Currently I live in Kathmondu, the capital city
of Nepal . I am in my M.Div 3 rd semester right now. I will
hopefully graduate in 2006. Family background: My grandfather
was a Colonel of Nepali military service, and my father was a
captain of British army. They were strong Hindu and wealthy
family. They were proud of their wealth and family status. They
thought they don't have any problem and lack nothing but have
land, money, wealth, power, prestige and everything. I have four
brothers and one sister. Except my youngest brother and me,
they all are strong Hindus. Before his conversion, my youngest
brother was involved with politics. Since his conversion to
Christianity he has been working with CCC (Campus Crusade for
Christ). Currently he is serving as a CCC regional Director.
Personal Testimony: When I was Ten years
old I went to India to study. I used stay with my aunt. My
father wanted to be a doctor which was not God's plan in my
life. Since my aunt's husband was an Indian Military officer
they were transferred to many places and states of India .
Because of that I had a privilege to learn eight languages
excluding my native tongue. I firmly believe that it was God's
plan to go to India for study and to stay with my aunt family
so that I will stay in my state of India and have a privilege to
learn many languages to minister different peoples. At that time
I was not even a Christian yet but strong idol worshipers, and
was practicing all Hindu rituals and laws. I had everything but was
not happy with what I had who I was, but something striking my
life. I was looking for peace in my life. It happened that when
I was in my teenage, I searched peace through worldly pleasure
like drinking alcohol and smoking my friend circle. I used get a lot
of money from my parents and relatives to use them for my
pleaser and enjoyment, traveling here and there. Yet I found no
peace in my life but empty. So began to search for the real peal
peace that would last that would give the fullness of life.
One day I was drunk and walking along the road at midnight . I
suddenly saw a very strong light coming to my eyes and I heard
the voice saying, “look the Christian people , they don't drink
or smoke but they have peace and joy in their life.” Nobody
witnessed me or shared the gospel with. I even don't know any
Christian s but that vision changed my life , and since I
started to search Christians. After two years I found one Church
and began to have fellowship in that church. I accepted the
Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior and was baptized in
Kohima, Nagaland 1979 . After my conversion, I had a very
difficult time, because my family and relatives disowned me and made
me an outcast of the family Hindu high cast. After they drove me
out form the family I didn't any place to stay and eat. Since I
was still very young, I got scared and cried. But God provided
a place for me to stay in friend's house. One year later God made a
way for me to study at both secular a theological college. I
completed Diploma course in Bible college, B. A and B . ed. at
secular college . After wards I started ministry in 1992 and served
as Youth Director for the Nepal Christian fellowship ( NC F).
At present I am serving as the senior pastor of Maranatha
Church in Kathmandu , Nepal . Under this Church we have five ?
branch Churches in other parts of Nepal . I was also teaching in
different Bible colleges, doing evangelism in the western ,
eastern, and the central region of Nepal . I love to preach the
Gospel of Christ, I committed my life fully for His works what ever
He has plan in my life and I am ready to do this for His glory.
Country Profile 1. Name of the country:
Nepal . This is the only Hindu country in the world. 2.
Population of Nepal : 25 million 3. Religion: Hinduism 86.8%,
Buddhism 7. 8%, Islam 3.2%, Christianity 2% (in number one
million), other religions 0.2% 4. Government System: Monarchy
(Ruled by king 5. Society System: Highly cast system. 6.
Language: about 44 languages. Nepali and English is the official
language of Nepal . The name of other languages are Maithali ,
Bhojpuri, Tamang, Abadhi, Tharu , Newari, Magar , Rai-kirat ,
Gurung , Limbu, Bhote , Sherpa , Morang Desh, Rajbasi ,
Tajpria , Sater , Sunuwar , Danuwar, Santhali, Bengali, Chepang,
Thager, thami, Dhimal, Marwari , Majhi ,Thakali , Pahri, Hindi,
Jirel, Urdu, Kumahl, Darai, Lapche , Mache , Raji ,Udissa,
Kusundo, Sona , Badi, Dum. Chamar, Pode This is my vision: After I finish
my Theological studies, I will continue my ministry. I have a plan to
preach the Gospel all over the Nepal through radio and
television broadcasting and other media ministries. Will also
do church planting and youth program. I Have an orphanage
ministry, so I want to have a school orphans and shelter for
homeless old people. Other visions and plans that I have are
medical camp and relief Ambulance service program, ministry of
human rights, prayer tower for 24 hours, missionary training center,
vocational training center for man and women, helping broken
family and poor, homeless people, organizing Revival Conference
twice a year (east- west and central Nepal. I have a great apostolic
vision. Please pray for me and give me suggestions my visions
will be fulfilled for the glory of God!
First Impression about
Korea: Women are very active in church activities and are
very prayerful which can't be seen in Nepal . It impressed me
so much. I saw many Korea Christians who are very mission
minded. They love to go to other countries and serve them. I am
grateful with them for their loving heart towards the people of
unreached countries.
Sincerely in Christ Ptr. Raju
Chhetri |