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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

Who's Who

2015.01.29 Views 314

Interview with Mark Edward Sudhir

1. Your family and educational background

I, Mark Edward Sudhir, am doing my Th. M in Mission at Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology. I was born and raised in a Christian pastoral family in the state called Orissa, India. It is located in the middle-eastern part of India, where the persecution is very high. Australian Missionary Stuart Graham Stains and his two kids were burnt alive by Hindu fanatic groups in 1999. Attacking Christians, beating pastors and burning churches are daily news in this state. The government of this state has passed the first ever Anti-conversion bill first in India. Here 85% are Hindus; Christians are only 2.4% (including Catholics). Financially, I am of a very poor family background and our family is sustained only by faith. My study in school and college are a miracle: I have never been able to buy a new text book for my studies due to lack of finances but God has enabled me to finish my secular studies up to my Bachelor Degree in Political Science. Each day is miracle for me and God is so faithful in providing for all my needs at the right time and leading me this far.

2. Your encounter with the Lord

I am the eldest among four brothers in my family, so my godly parents dedicated me for God’s service when I was born. But I was not willing to go into ministry because of the trials, toils, sufferings, starvations, hardship, opposition and persecution I had seen throughout my father’ s ministerial life. I only read the Bible, prayed and attended Church activities because I was from a Christian family and by compulsion of my parents?otherwise I may not get food at home. But God has a specific will and purpose in my life and as in Jeremiah 29:11, He called me in a very amazing way before I could go astray. When I was 13 years old, I almost died from four serious diseases that I caught at the same time: jaundice, typhoid, liver damage and dry blood. For eight days I was unconscious. Everyone but my parents gave up hope on my living again. My parents, however, had faith and prayed for me. Only because of their prayers and God’s grace I recovered and from that moment I decided to live and serve Him alone. I have adopted Paul’s statement as the aim of my life, “For me to live is Christ and die is gain”( Phil 1:21).

3. Your impression of Korea

This is my first journey abroad and I have met such godly, prayerful, generous, caring, loving, studious, hard working, helpful and mission-minded men and women in Korea. Compared to India, Korea is very advanced in technology, cleanliness and economy. I am amazed to see such a large number of believers and churches here. Korea is a blessed country and God is going to bless this country even more. I am personally learning many good things and trying to become an effective person in the sight of God and men.

4. Your opinion about our School, Torch Trinity

I really thank God for this blessed School, Torch Trinity. It is my honor and pleasure to be here on a full scholarship. I admire all the Faculty members who are diligent in their academic and spiritual life. The humble lives of the wonderful staff members inspire me. All the students are friendly, God-fearing and passionate for God’s work. I could meet friends from all over the world here: it’s beyond my expression and expectation. The praise and worship of this school is anointed and touches my heart. God has blessed this school to produce diligent workers for the great vineyard.

5. Your future plans

My future plan is to go back to my home country, India and minister to the lost souls: this is my passion. Wherever God sends me, I will go and make disciples by living an exemplary life, preaching the gospel, teaching the truth, helping the poor, needy and illiterate and then by praising and worshiping through a music ministry.
