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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

Who's Who

2015.01.29 Views 3125

Interview with Victor Masih

I am Victor. I was born in 1962 into a poor nominal Christian family of Hyderabad, Pakistan. Christians are only 1.5% of the population (including Catholics). As I grew older I found myself surrounded by Muslims (97%) who hated us Christians and considered us very low and I wished that I was born into a Muslim family. I became a rebellious person in my teens; smoking, drugs and alcohol became an inseparable part of my life. One day by accident, I attended an open air meeting in 1979. God spoke to me as the preacher preached from Matthew 4:17. I never cried but that night I was weeping like a baby as I repented. The Lord miraculously changed my life. The Lord has been taking me through the ups and downs of Christian life through His enabling grace since then.

By God’s grace I completed my BA in Economics in 1984. In 1987, I got married to my loving wife Zarina. She has completed her Masters in Education and is teaching in a high School. We have two daughters and two Sons. I Completed my Bachelor in Ministries from ACM Australia in 1991. I was ordained as minister by Baptist church in 1991. I started my ministry as a church planter among the Hindus and nominal Christians of Hyderabad in 1992. God graciously enabled me to plant PDM Church of Hyderabad. Our PDM church has also planted three other churches in Sindh.

It has been a privileged to study at TTGST. I am so thankful to God and His people who have provided me with the scholarship to study here. I am in my fifth Semester of the M.Div program. I have found that God has blessed Torch Trinity with competent Faculty, godly staff and a multicultural student body. I have experienced that Torch not only equips the servants of God with academics but also is actively busy in character building and ministry training with the purpose of changing the world for Christ.

While I am studying here, my wife, children and church are eagerly waiting for me back in Pakistan. I too miss my family and church so badly and am looking forward to completing my studies and rejoining them. By God’s grace after I complete my studies, I will return back to Pakistan and continue my pastoral and teaching ministries. I would value your prayers in this regard. Thank you,

May God bless all at TTGST,
Victor Masih




