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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

TTGU in Media

2015.01.29 Views 419


“ Focus ? Refining Our Perspectives”

From March 5 th to 6 th , Torch Trinity held its spring retreat themed “ Focus ? Refining Our Perspectives. ” Approximately 150 students participated in the retreat. This retreat was different from those in the past because previous retreats were off-campus. The 2009 Spring Retreat was at the Torch Trinity campus. Instead of being held prior to the start of the semester, it was held in first week of the semester. This change allowed more students to participate than in the past.

The retreat started with an opening worship service where students enjoyed the worship of God, listened to God's word, spent time praying for each other, and sharing in fellowship. For many new students, it was their first time to meet with each other and with returning students.

The retreat was built around the student small groups. The small groups provided an opportunity for students to get to know one another. It was also a chance for the Korean and English programs to meet together. Each small group spent time preparing presentations before sharing in front of the whole student body. It was a very interesting time and helped the student body display its diverse backgrounds and talents. Some groups put on plays regarding Bible stories and the lives of students at Torch Trinity while other groups sang and danced. The entire student body shared in a joyful time.


Students also held a Mini-Concert, participated in indoor-outdoor activities, and learned in seminars. The retreat was a great time for Torch Trinity's students, energizing them for the start of the new year.

