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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

TTGU in Media

2015.01.29 Views 240


Welcome to a New Semester!

Welcome to a New Semester!

The spring semester of 2010 started with a student retreat. It was held February 22 nd in Joy Hall.

The theme for the retreat set students toward “Being a Community of Love” set around John 13:35 ? “ By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Even for a short one-day retreat, it was full of worship and set the community's vision for the semester.


The retreat opened with a worship service. At the service, the faculty, staff, and student council were introduced for new members of the school community. It served as a joyful reunion for continuing students returning from a long vacation. New students were introduced to the Torch Trinity community as the Vice President, Dr. John Song, gave the message.


After the opening service, the students broke up into small groups led by the professors. They shared with one another following introductions, building fellowship as a community. A presentation was prepared by each small group, and then shared with the entire school.

The retreat also had a Q&A session for students to ask of professors and an orientation to the student spiritual formation program. The closing worship service was a blessing as the community worshipped with the speaker, Dr. Yong-Jo Ha, the president of the school.




