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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

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Torch Trinity hosted the Lausanne Diaspora Educators Consultation on November 11-14, 2009. A group of selected scholars and missiologists from various theological institutions in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific regions attended the strategic gathering. Dr. Joy Sadiri Tira, Senior Associate for Lausanne Diasporas, convened the meeting as part of the “road map” to the upcoming Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization to be held in Cape Town, South Africa in 2010.

Dr. Tira laid out three objectives for the consultation: (1) Enhance our understanding of “Diaspora Missiology” as an emerging field of study and ministry strategy; (2) Engage in scholarly dialogue on “Diaspora Missiology” and its educational implications; and (3) Engender regional cooperation in anticipation for Lausanne III next year where “Diaspora Missiology” will be a feature of the program. “All these three objectives,” explained Tira, “were met and that a groundbreaking declaration was assembled for Lausanne III.” The consultation concluded with the articulation of “The Seoul Declaration on Diaspora Missiology,” which summons the whole church of Jesus Christ, including its missions agencies and its academies to mobilize, train, deploy, support, and empower diaspora kingdom workers. Dr. Enoch Wan, President of the Evangelical Missiological Society in the USA chaired the historic event.


Dr. Hyung Ja Lee, Chairperson of the Torch Trinity Board of Trustees, opened the consultation with her personal reflections on diaspora. To the delight of delegates and other participants, Dr. Lee walked them through the diaspora phenomenon in the Bible and applied the same phenomena to the Korean diasporic experience worldwide. Dean of Torch Trinity, Dr. Jung Sook Lee, hosted the first evening with a dinner fellowship and promotion of the seminary. Student performers graced the evening as Victor Chun and Bomin Sung offered a cello and piano performance, Eun Hae Kim performed a traditional Korean dance, and a choir of international students sang a special song. Two guest performers also played Korean musical instruments for the participants. Dr. Eiko Takamizawa planned the evening program, with the able assistance of some Torch Trinity students.

Throughout the consultation, PhD and ThM students from the Department of Intercultural Studies-Missiology served as volunteers. They interacted with leading missiologists for three days. Preparation, logistics, and coordination matters were arranged through the teamwork of Dr. Gwi Sam Cho, Dr. Terry Casino, and Rebekah Park-Shaw. Additional support came from students who volunteered their time and energy, along with the generous support of Hallelujah Church (Rev. Dr. Sang-Bok David Kim, President Emeritus of Torch Trinity), Jubilee Church (Rev. David Hwang, a Torch Trinity alumnus and doctoral candidate in Torch Trinity's Intercultural Studies program), and the Korea Diaspora Mission (Dr. Gwi-Sam Cho).

One of the highlights of the consultation was the selection of key regional/continental strategists for the Lausanne Diasporas. Dr. Tereso Casino was appointed chair for the Lausanne Pacific & East Asia Region. He will be working closely with other members of the committee: Dr. Masanori Kurasawa (Japan), Dr. Paul Woods (Singapore), Rev. James Lai (Malaysia), Dr. Glicerio Manzano Jr (Philippines), and Dr. Gwi-Sam Cho (South Korea). In her post-consultation message to all of the participants, Dean Lee insightfully wrote: “It was a great blessing for Torch Trinity to be involved in such a meaningful meeting. It is especially encouraging for us to see that the consultation achieved its goals, and that Torch Trinity was able to invest its resources into a fruitful ministry.”

Post-consultation Comments:

"I feel that the recent Lausanne Diaspora Educators Consultation has clenched diaspora as a legitimate and exciting field of missiology. Much appreciation goes to Drs. Joy Tira and Enoch Wan for leading a team of enthusiastic, able, and experienced scholars to crystallize the various aspects of what should constitute a missiology.” ?Dr. Ted Yamamori, Lausanne Movement Senior Advisor and former Lausanne International Director?

“The Consultation was a success measured by the high level of participation by all, the productivity and evident spirit of unity. The excellent hosting by Torch Trinity and personnel was one of the key factors to its success.” ?Dr. Enoch Wan, Consultation Chair, President, Evangelical Missiological Society

?“This meeting made my eyes open to the issue of Diaspora in its relation to God's redemptive mission. It was a challenging?time to hear what the Lord is doing among diaspora people in the world.” ?Dr. Masanori Kurasawa, President, Tokyo Christian University

?“I'm currently doing research on Indonesian diaspora in Korea. The Consultation exposed me to diverse mission theories, theologies, and application from multi-national scholars and professors.”-James Kwonshik Han, doctoral student (Intercultural Studies, Torch Trinity)


횃불트리니티는 2009 년 11 월 11 일부터 14 일까지 , 4 일간 “ 로잔 디아스포라 교육자 대회 ” 를 유치했다 . 북미지역과 유럽 , 아시아와 태평양 지역의 다양한 신학 기관들로부터 세계 유수의 학자들과 선교사들이 모인 이번 모임은 , 2010 년 남아프리카 공화국 케이프 타운에서 열리는 “ 제 3 차 세계 복음주의 협회 로잔 대회 ” 를 위한 전초대회였다 .

선임 위원인 조이 사디리 티라 교수는 이번 대회에서 3 가지 안건을 제안하였다 : (1) 학문과 사역의 고리가 되는 전략적인 분야로서의 “ 디아스포라 선교학 ” 에 대한 이해를 증진시킨다 . (2) “ 디아스포라 선교학 ” 에 관한 학문적인 업적과 이것의 교육을 위한 실천적용부문을 연결한다 . (3) 내년 제 3 차 로잔대회를 위한 지역적 협력을 만들어 간다 .

“ 이번 대회를 통해 이 세 가지 안건들은 충분히 다루어 졌고 , 그 결과 , 제 3 차 로잔 대회의 토대가 되는 선언문이 완성 되었습니다 .” 라고 티라 교수는 전했다 .

이번 대회는 이형자 횃불트리니티 이사장의 “ 한국인 디아스포라 현상 ” 에 관한 개회 연설로 시작되었다 . 첫째 날 저녁 만찬은 이정숙 횃불트리니티 학장의 사회로 진행되었으며 , 본교 횃불트리니티의 소개가 이루어 졌다 . 이 후 에이코 타카미자와 횃불트리니티 교수의 지도 아래 학생들의 춤 , 노래 , 악기 연주 등의 공연이 이어지며 풍성한 나눔과 교제의 시간을 가질 수 있었다 .

전체 대회기간 동안 횃불트리니티 국제선교학 (Intercultural Studies-Missiology) 석 , 박사 과정 학생들이 자원봉사자로 섬기며 , 대회기간을 통해 참&<