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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

TTGU in Media

2015.01.29 Views 325
The Ambassador Project

The Ambassador Project

by Eiko Takamizawa

The Ambassador Project is one of the programs designed to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Torch Trinity. As the name indicates, this project intends to build bridges between the local churches in Korea and Torch Trinity by sending our faculty and students to serve various churches.

Our faculty is available to offer seminars and to preach, while the Torch Trinity International Choir contributes with their music performance, country reports, and testimonies, according to the request of the local churches. Torch Trinity takes the opportunities offered by the churches to introduce our school and to invite them to join in the vision and the mission of our school.

For the spring semester (2008) we have visited Mokdong Chaeil Church, Suwon Central Baptist Church, Hallelujah Community Church, and Yoido Full Gospel Church. We introduced our school through video presentations, and sometimes one of the international students shared his/her testimony: Mark shared about the persecution in Orissa (India), Maria Moga shared about her conversion experience from Orthdox Christianity in Romania, and Raji shared about the need for revival in Indian churches. Dean Lee Jung Sook presented the history and the vision of our school, and Vice President Dr. John Song preached inspiring messages from the Word of God.

Usually the highlight of our presentations was the Torch Trinity International Choir. Probably it is the only choir, at least in Korea if not in the world, which represents more than 30 countries. The exotic praise songs of different parts of the world sung by the international students in colorful ethnic costumes never fails to fascinate the audience. Some from the audience said, “I felt that I was in India as I heard them singing!“ “I could not hold my tears when I heard such a beautiful Nepali praise.” “It was like a pre-taste of heaven!“ The Torch Trinity International Choir has been a blessing to people wherever they went in the past several years.

The Ambassador Project is going to visit several more churches in the fall semester. They will be the ambassadors of Torch Trinity to Korean local churches, and at the same time the ambassadors of the Kingdom of the Lord of all nations!

After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. Revelation 7:9, 10.


Rev. Koh Myung Jin, Suwon Central Baptist Church
“We did not know that so many international students are studying at Torch Trinity. As we saw them praising in colorful national costumes, we were reminded of the importance of ministry at Torch Trinity and we were also challenged to become more active participants in world missions.

Rev. Dr. David Sang Bok Kim, Hallelujah Community Church
“The Visit of Torch Trinity members brought a fresh excitement to our Wednesday service. All the participants were greatly blessed by the dynamic presentation of the Torch Trinity team!”