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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


2015.01.29 Views 99

Course Withdrawal Period

Monday Sep. 19 - Saturday Sep. 24

What is course withdrawal?
- Course withdrawal is cancelling a course/courses you have registered. What is different from the course add/drop period is that withdrawal will leave a 'W' on your transcript. There is no influence on the GPA.

What should I do to withdraw a course?
- Please visit the academic office during office hours and fill out an application for withdrawal. Please note that you also need to get the signature of the professor who is teaching the course on the form.

Thank you.

Academic/Admissions office



9월 19일(월) - 9월 24일(토)

수강 철회란 수강신청한 과목을 취소하는 것을 말합니다. 수강정정때와는 달리 성적표에 W(Withdrawal) 기록이 남습니다. GPA에는 영향을 미치지 않습니 다.

수강철회를 하시려면 교학처에 방문하셔서 신청서 양식을 작성하여 주시기 바랍니다. 양식에는 해당 과목을 가르치시 는 교수님의 서명이 필요합니다.

감사합니 다.

