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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


For Graduating Students (December 23rd, 2013)

1. ""Final Confirmation for Graduating Students""

l Submission Period: Dec. 9(Mon) ~ 17(Tue)

l Please download the form on the school website and submit it to the Academic/ Admissions office. After filling out this form, you are not able to use your locker and borrow any books from the Library.

[Academic Affairs] -> [Academic Forms]

2. Invitation Card/ Academic Admissions Office

Students are allowed to have up to 4 copies.

3. Borrow a Gown/ Academic Admissions Office

l Period: Dec. 16(Mon) ~ 20(Fri)

l Deposit Fee: 50,000won (Dry Cleaning Fee: 10,000won, Refund: 40,000won)

l Please bring a bag for a gown.

l Returning your gown: : Ha Yong Jo Hall after commencement ceremony.

4. Graduation Day : Dec.23(Mon), 10:30am, Love Hall

u Graduating students must come to Ha Yong Jo memorial Hall by 9:00 am.

l If you are not able to attend the Commencement Ceremony due to personal matter, please contact to Ms. Kyung-Ah Jun in advance at the Academic/Admissions Office.

l Men and Women should both wear black outfit. (skirt, stocking, pants, shoes etc.)

5. Sign up for TTGAA Membership

l A graduating student automatically becomes a member of TTGAA.

l Please come to Ha Yong Jo memorial Hall after commencement ceremony to check personal addresses and to get a gift from TTGAA.

6. Update your information

Please update your modified personal information through the new online service.

졸업예정자께(2013 12 23)

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