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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


2015.02.03 Views 124


Summary of the project:

We are interested in the many ways that digital and social media are allowing people to become “Digital Good Samaritans” by connecting with and helping others across geographic, political and cultural barriers. We need interns to do online research that can help us collect stories of “Digital Good Samaritans”. Our team of writers will write up the most promising stories for publication and distribution online.


1. Excellent English

2. Online Research Ability

Hour and Salary:

Duration: Ongoing

Hours: Flexible

Salary: $20 per hour



Dear ______,

Although I won’t be coming back to Korea until this summer at the earliest I’m looking forward to hopefully working with you before then.

We are currently looking for interns who we can hire through TTGU to do online research for us. The key requirement is that the person be able to do the type of research that we need.

Trial Research Project:

After you read the attached, please go online and see if you can find 3 stories that might also be good material for our writing team? For each story, it would be helpful to have:

1) A short summary (no more than one paragraph)

2) Any links or documents that you have found that provide detail.

This will allow our writers to explore promising stories in greater depth for possible publication and online distribution.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be happy to try to clarify and questions or concerns that you may have about the project.

God bless you,

Matthew Daniels, J.D., Ph.D