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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


2016 Spring E-PhD Comprehensive Exam (2nd)


Please check the application period and keep on time.

1) Examination Date

4 Position papers: until Monday, May 9 (submit to the Advisor and office)

2 Written tests: Monday, May 16 at 9-12 am and 1:30-4:30pm

2) Application Period: Monday, April 11 to Wednesday, April 22

3) How to Apply

- Please Apply on Online service (Graduation> Comprehensive Exam

> Application for Comprehensive Exam)

(Exam Subject: Apply your subject that you take and click the 'Apply

Comprehensive exam' button)

- Print out the application form and get your advisor's signature

- Transfer the fee to the bank account (Woori Bank 1005-602-443681)

- Submit the application form to Academic office (Ms. Kyung Ah Jun)


Apr. 11(Mon)

~ Apr. 22(Fri)

Apr. 23(Sat)

~ Apr. 27(Wed)



per each exam


per each exam



per each subject


per each subject

* Comprehensive Exam Fee will be increased from 2016 Fall semester.

2016 가을학기부터 시험료가 인상될 예정입니다.

2016 봄학기 2차 한국어과정 기독교상담학 박사종합시험

&< 한국어과정 PhD CC &gt;

1. 시험일: 5월11일(수), 5월 13일(금)

2. 신청기간: 411() ~ 422()

3. 신청방법
① 온라인서비스에서 종합시험신청 후, 신청서를 출력하기
(졸업업무&gt;종합시험신청: 시험과목에 신청과목 체크 -&gt; '종합시험신청' 버튼 클릭
-&gt; 신청서 출력)
② 지도교수님의 싸인을 받은 후, 시험비를 학교은행계좌에 송금하기
(우리은행, 1005-602-443681 횃불트리니티신학대학원대학교)
③ 신청서를 교학처에 제출(담당자: 전경아 주임)?