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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


Frederick Buechner Award on Preaching and Writing

In partnership with the Frederick Buechner Center, TTGU is pleased to present the writing and preaching award to a TTGU student who is committed to excellence in writing and written communication, or preaching the Word of God. The contest is open to all TTGU master’s level students, and essay submissions, or video/manuscript submissions will be taken until May 3, 2018 to the Student Council.

Submissions will be judged both by peers and by faculty members. The Writing Award and the Preaching Award will be presented to one student each in the English and Korean programs on the chapel on May 17, 2018. The Award amount is 250,000 won.

Qualifications and Submission Rules:
1) Current student in any master’s level program.
2) Submit followings
* For the Writing Award
-A well-crafted essay of between 500 to 1000 words on the topic of “
Living the Word
*For the Preaching Award
- 10 minute video and sermon manuscript; video may be smartphone-made,
either in live setting (church, class, etc.) or home-made without audience. Any topics acceptable.

-Recommendation from professors who teach preaching: One or two from each
class with the student
s manuscript. The faculty panel may ask for a video
to those who were recommended (if necessary).
3) English program students submits in English; Korean program in Korean.
4) All submissions must be given to the Student Council by May 3, 2018.
5) Student Council panel reviews submissions and recommends three candidates to the faculty panel. The faculty panel decides on winners.

Torch Trinity Graduate University?

프레드릭 뷰크너 어워드 (Frederick Buechner Awards): 글쓰기와 설교상

프레드릭 뷰크너 재단과의 협력 하에 횃불 트리니티 신학대학원대학교에서는 글쓰기와 설교에 우수한 학생들을 선발하여 시상합니다.
모든 석사과정학생들에게 지원 자격이 주어지며 201853일까지 원우회에 지원하시면 됩니다. 시상은 2018517일 채플에서 이루어지며 상금은 각각 25만원입니다

글쓰기: “말씀대로 살기(Living the Word)”를 주제로 하여 A4 2-4 쪽 분량의 수필을 써서 제출하십시오 (“말씀대로 살고 가르치기등 연관된 주제 가능
설교: 10분 분량의 설교문과 설교동영상(자유주제)을 제출하십시오. 설교상의 경우 설교를 제출하신 분들과 함께 설교학 교수님들의 추천을 받아 후보로 올립니다
원우회는 세 명의 후보를 선발하여 심사위원(교수 3)에게 제출하고 교수심사위원들이 수상자를 선정합니다.
