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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


l 2019 Spring> Applying for Additional Scholarship (2019년 봄학기 추가 장학금 신청공지)

Notice : 1. Students who receive the first scholarship are not allowed to apply for the second scholarship.

( 1차에서 장학금을 받은 학생은 2차 장학금 신청을 할 수 없습니다.)

2. 2019 New students cannot apply for Additional scholarship and can apply for the second semester.

(2019신입생은 추가 장학금을 신청할 수 없고 2학기부터 신청 가능합니다.)  

- Deadline(신청기한): Friday, March 15 ( 315일 금요일)

- Apply: submit the application form to Academic office 교학처에 해당 신청서류 제출

- The necessary documents are attached. Please refer to the notice on the homepage.

(필요한 서류는 첨부되어 있습니다. 홈페이지 공지사항을 참조하세요.)


*신청자격과 신청서류를 반드시 확인하시고 제출 부탁 드립니다. (Please confirm your qualification and submit your relevant documents.)



장학금 구분





Relevant documents




No.of Recipient(s)

Need-based Scholarship

지원 장학금

* You may apply for only one of the two

Kyongwon Scholarship


Students who are in severe financial difficulties. Priority shall be given in the following order.

Basic livelihood security recipient

The “Chasangwee” class

Parent of three or more children under 20 years old

The lower health insurance payment

Other circumstance

재정적인 곤란을 당한 다음의 우선 순위에 따라 선정(신청자 재정 운용 범위 내에서 일부만 선발할 있음)



다자녀부모 (주민등록상 20 미만 자녀가 3 이상)

건강보험금납입금이 낮은

특수한 형편

- Application for Need-Based Scholarship

(지원 장학금 신청서)


- Any relevant documents:

Basic Livelihood Security Certificate, “Chasangwee” Certificate, Family Relations Certificate, Health Insurance Payment record for recent 1 yr.

(다음중 해당서류)





 (최근 1년간)

KRW 1,000,000


Merit-based Scholarship

우수 장학금

Dong Hye Scholarship

 동혜 장학금

A few EXPAT students or students in MACE or MEd program who demonstrated academic excellence

*Students shall be recommended by the Dean of Academics and Admissions (for EXPAT students) or a member of education department faculty of TTGU (for MACE, MEd)

EXPAT 학생과 MACE 혹은 MEd과정 재학생 학업성적이 우수한 학생 약간

*신청서에 기독교교육학과 교수의 추천란 포함되어 있음

-    Application for Dong Hye Scholarship

(recommendation is included in the form)

( 장학금 신청서)

KRW 500,000 ~ 1,000,000


Status-based Scholarship (External)

교외 자격장학금

YeoYu Bong Kwonsa Scholarship

여유봉 권사 장학금

Three female students in MDiv or MACC who will be committed to ministry or cross-cultural mission after graduation.

*Candidates shall meet all the qualifications below.

Demonstrated commitment in ministry (application)

Having taken 11(MA)/12(MDiv) or more credit hours in the previous semester with a minimum cumulated GPA of 3.5

Minimum chapel attendance of 85% in the previous semester

목회학석사, 상담학석사 과정 여학생 졸업 목회 또는 타문화권 선교에 투신할 학생

2. 다음 조건을 모두 만족해야

직전학기 MA 11학점, MDiv 12학점 이상 이수하고 평점평균 3.5 이상

채플 85%이상 참석


- Attached documents(첨부서류)

A one-page statement about the student’s intention and plan for future ministry (no official form needed)

(1페이지 분량 미래의 목회/선교

비젼 사역 계획서 1)

KRW 500,000