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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


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Dear TTGU community,


This spring we prepared our Mission Exploration Week with special feature 'Torch Trinity, Embracing All Nations'. Our faculty, students, and missionaries will share their stories in various mission fields with various forms of ministries. We will hear from them about how they have impacted the world with the Gospel and the Love of God. Please join us.  

* Mission Exploration Week: Mon, Apr 1 - Sat, Apr 6

* Note: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday chapel hours are extended and start early.


친애하는 횃불트리니티 공동체 여러분,


올해 봄학기 선교탐방주간은 '횃불트리니티에서 열방으로'라는 주제로 마련하였습니다. 본교 교수님들, 학생들, 그리고 선교사님들의 이야기를 듣고 참여하게 될 것입니다. 이 기쁜 행사에 모두 동참해주시기를 바랍니다. 

* 선교탐방주간: 4/1(월) - 4/6(토)

* 채플시간 조정: 월요일, 화요일, 목요일, 토요일 채플시간이 연장되고 더 일찍 시작됨에 유의하여 주십시오.