삶에 희망을 주는 ‘꿈의교회’에서 함께하실 동역자를 모십니다.
1. 교회
‧ 꿈의교회 (김학중 감독)
‧ 주소: 경기도 안산시 상록구 용신로 131
‧ 홈페이지: http://www.dream10.org/
2. 모집
‧ 영어예배부 목사1명 (파트 사역 / 영어 및 다문화사역 관심 있는 자)
3. 제출서류
‧ 이력서 (최근 3개월 이내 사진첨부)
‧ 자기소개서 (신앙고백, 사역 경험)
4. 과정
‧ 제출기한: 2022년 3월 5일(토)까지
‧ 전형: 1차 서류 / 2차 면접
5. 접수 및 문의
‧ 인사 총괄: 송화섭 목사 (행정목사)
‧ e-mail: guresong@hanmail.net
‧ 전화: 010-3658-9448
6. 기타
‧ 서류 전형 후, 면접 대상자에게 개별적으로 연락을 드립니다.
‧ 제출하신 서류는 반환하지 않으며, 안전하게 폐기합니다.
‧ 사례는 상담 후, 결정합니다
Multi-cultural Ministries
Pastor/Part time Job
Dream Methodist Church, Ansan, South Korea
Date Posted: Feb. 12, 2022
Denominations: Methodist Church
English Ministry Service Size: 50 to 70
Job Type: Part-Time
Opportunities at Dream Methodist Church can be found below.
Visit our website http://dream10. org
To apply for this job opening, please first post your resume or CV.
Dream Church was founded by the senior pastor Kim, Hakjung. Dream English Worship is composed of multi-cultural people about fifty members from ten different nationalities. Ansan is the city of full of dynamics in foreign cultures and located in Gyeonggi province about half an hour drive from Seoul, Capital in South Korea.
Job Description
The Pastor of Multi-cultural Ministries is responsible for overseeing ministry to international students and refugees including asylum seekers from Muslim Backgrounds people in Ansan. The candidate of this role should be well equipped to teach and preach the Gospel among internationals and English speakers. This position is suitable for the person who is motivated by getting involved in internationals with a delighted heart. Knowing Jesus and Making Known Jesus among internationals are our motto. If you are the right person who is suitable to grow together with our multi-cultural congregation, we are happy to meet you. Please contact us via email. guresong@hanmail.net
Qualifications: Possesses a genuine heart for refugees and immigrants in Ansan city.
Understands the simple Gospel and preaches God’s word fluently in English.
Able to develop international ministries that allow for flexibilities among
marginalized people including refugees, BMBs, and international students.
Works well with young adults leadership group in English Ministries.
Able to relate and communicate well with international and Korean members.