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2022학년도 가을학기 등록금 납부 안내


1.   정규과정 등록금 납부기간

2022 8 22(월) ~ 9 2(금)


2.   등록금 납부 방법

       온라인서비스에서 등록금 고지서 확인 (가상계좌) - 8 8일 이후 확인

       우리은행 가상계좌에 입금

       예금주(수취인)는 학생 본인

       등록금 총액을 정확하게 입금(금액을 나누어 입금할 수 없음)

       ‘우리은행’ 이 아닌 타행 송금일 경우 수수료 발생할 수 있음


3.   Expat / 수업연한 초과자 등록금 납부기간

2022 9 14 ()~ 9 16 ()


4.   등록금 분납 (온라인신청 / 분납1차 미납시 등록금분납 취소)

       분납 신청기간 : 2022 8 16(화) ~ 9 1()

       신청불가대상 : 한국장학재단 학자금 대출학생

       수업연한 초과자 (학점당 등록금 납부자)

       등록금의 2/3이상 장학금 수혜자

       신청방법 : 온라인서비스에서 신청

       1차 등록금 납부 후 수강신청 / 정정 가능

       분납신청 후 1차분 미납시 등록금분납 취소

       분납 1차 납부기간 :

       8 22일 이전 신청시 : 8 22(월) ~ 9 2()

       8 22일 이후 신청시 : 등록금분납신청 익일 ~ 9 2()

       분납 2차 납부기간 : 10 4() ~ 10 10()

       분납 3차 납부기간 : 11 7()~ 11 14()


5.   학자금 대출

       학자금대출 포탈사이트(에서 공인인증서를 이용하여 신청

       신청기간 : 매 학기 한국장학재단에서 정한 신청기간

       대출실행기간 : 본교 등록기간

       신청자격제한 : 외국국적학생등록금분납자

       대출금지급신청시간이 17:00까지 이므로 등록금납부 마감일에는 대출금 지급 신청시간을 준수하여야 대출금 지급이 가능


사무처 (Tel. 02-570-7099)



Tuition Payment for Fall 2022


1.    Tuition Payment Period for Fulltime Student:

August 22nd, 2022 ~ September 2nd, 2022


2.    How to Pay Tuition

       Check out tuition bill and virtual account number through online service (after Aug 8).

       Transfer tuition to the given virtual account at Woori Bank.

       Please be sure that tuition paid student’s name will be marked coincided with sender’s name.

       Tuition should be transferred in a full amount at one time, and it cannot be transferred separately.

       If it was transferred from other than Woori bank, student will be required to pay for the fee for money transfer.


3.    Students in the following categories can pay tuition per credit hour

1) Students in the Expat Program

2) Students taking courses past the duration of their program

3) Students taking more than the maximum number of credits per semester

Tuition Payment Period : September 14th, 2022 ~ September 16th, 2022


4.    Tuition Installment

(It is very important that after application, if student fails to pay the 1st installment, application for tuition installment payment will be automatically cancelled.)

       Application Period: August 16th, 2022 ~ Sepember 1st, 2022

       Disqualification for Tuition Installment

       A student who receives Student Loan from Korea Student Aid Foundation

       A student who is paying tuition by credits after going further of his/her duration of study

       A student who has received scholarship more than two thirds of the total tuition.

       How to Apply for Tuition Installment: Through Online Service

       Once a student’s 1st tuition installment payment was confirmed, then the student is allowed to register, and add or drop courses

       When student fails to pay the 1stinstallment, application for tuition installment payment will be automatically cancelled.

       Payment Period for Tuition Installment

       The 1stInstallment Payment Period:

       If apply before August 22nd, 2022 : August 22nd, 2022 ~ September 2nd, 2022

       If apply after August 22nd, 2022 :

       The very next day of application for Tuition Installment ~ September 2nd, 2022

       The 2nd Installment Payment Period : Oct 4th , 2022 ~ Oct 10th, 2022

       The 3rd Installment Payment Period : Nov 7th, 2022 ~ Nov 14th, 2022


5.    Student Loan (Korea Student Aid Foundation)

       Apply at the Korea Student Aid Foundation website ( using personal verification certificate

       Application Period: During the notified period by the Korea Student Aid Foundation

       Loan Payment Period: Torch Trinity’s Tuition Payment Period

       Disqualification to Student Loan: International Students, Students who applied for tuition installment


- Business Office (Tel. 02-570-7099)