Three weeks before the start of class, ‘tuition payment guide“ will be announced on the notice section of the homepage. By accessing the online serve, you can print out the tuition bill in “Tuition Payment” section.
[Dormitory] 5. Can I use the dormitory during vacation?
Continuing students can apply for and use the dormitory during vacation periods.
[Registration] 8. Can I receive a year-end tax deduction by the certificate of education expenses payment?
Only the student’s year-end tax with respect to education expenses can be deducted. You cannot apply by adding your family member’s education expenses.
[Registration] 9. How much is the tuition fee per (extra) credit hour?
-M.Div. ₩247,000, -M.T.S. ₩346,000, -MWCM ₩472,000
-M.A. ₩302,000 (Practical training expense ₩500,000),
-Th.M. ₩452,000 –M.Ed. ₩402,000
-Ph.D. ₩502,000 (Practical training expense ₩800,000)
[Registration] 10. If I take a leave of absence after paying my tuition. Can I get the paid tuition back?
No, you cannot. The tuition paid at the time of leave of absence, however, will be replaced by the tuition for next semester. If you withdraw from school, the tuition fee will be refunded variously based on the date you apply for the leave of absence. (Tuition refund will be executed in accordance with Article 6 of the Policy of University Tuition & Fees)
[Registration] 11. Can I receive a receipt for the tuition payment?
Yes, you can apply by visiting TTGU business office. The receipt will be issued at no cost after verifying your identity.
[Registration] 12. What is the tuition notice schedule?
Three weeks before the start of class, ‘tuition payment guide“ will be announced on the notice section of the homepage. By accessing the online serve, you can print out the tuition bill in “Tuition Payment” section.