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Teaching the Word! Changing the World!

MA in Christian Education

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Overview - Christian Education
The Master of Arts in Christian Education(MACE) is a 2-year professional program to train professional Christian educators who will be responsible for educational affairs in various fields, such as churches, Christian schools, Christian missionary organizations, and mission sites. This course focuses on building a Christian worldview and enabling students to acquire educational and administrative knowledge and skills to have as Christian educators, and is suitable for students who want to study both the Bible, Theology, and Education subjects. Students of this course can obtain certification as professional teachers and principals of the International Federation of Christian Schools (ACCSI) by completing certain additional subjects.
Class Hour

English Program: Tuesdaythrough Thursday, daytime and evening classes
   MACE is only available in English courses, and Korean courses are not available.​​​​

Graduation Requirement

Pass 47 credits and obtain a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0.
Complete 4 semesters of Chapel requirement and school retreat.
Complete two semesters of field training

Pass the comprehensive exam.
Complete the program within a maximum 4 years.

MA CE Curriculum (English Program) [PDF]

Academic Information

Academic Load: Average 12 credits per semester (Up to 14 credits can be taken)
While attending school, you must complete field training related to your major at a local church or Christian organization for two semesters.