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About TTGU

Teaching the Word! Changing the World!


Torch Trinity Center for Spiritual Formation and Practical Theology (TTCSP)
Torch Trinity Center for Spiritual Formation and Practical Theology (TTCSP) was founded in 2018 to provide spiritural and practical support for pastors, missionaries, church leaders, and lay members based evangelical Christian spirituality and practical theology. TTCSP is divided into three departments: spiritual formation, worship & preaching, and women's leadership. TTCSP  provides programs such as spiritual disciplines, book clubs, worship/ preaching clinics, and leadership programs that help their spiritual maturation and practical enhancement of ministry experience.

[Spiritual Formation Department]
1. Support spiritual formation of seminary students by introducing mentors or spiritual directors.
2. Offering Spritual Formation and Spiritual Direction programs for pastors and church members

3. In collaboration with Continuing Education Center, “Christian Spirituality Academy” is operated. Currently Christian Spirituality Academy is made up of two different programs—“Spiritual Formation Program“ and “Spiritual Direction Program”
- 6 Week Program for “Group Spiritual Formation”
- Spiritual Retreat for 3 nights and 4 days will take place during summer and winter
- Obtain and organize spiritual directors list so that the directors can be paired up with those who wish to receive spiritual direction.
4. Share the results of studies that are related to Spiritual Formation and Christian Spirituality.


[Worship and Preaching Department]
1. Provide "Worship Clinic Program"
2. Provide “Preaching Clinic Program”
3. Provide “Alternative Ministry Program”
4. Provide "Church Architecture Pilgrimage Program"

5. Publish "Worchip and Preaching for All People"

6. Support publishing articles and essays related to worship and preaching

7. Offering special lectures related to worchip and preaching


[Women's Leadership Department]
1. Provide studies and programs for biblical leadership and discipleship.
2. Provide leadership programs for female ministers and pastors.



Director and Department Head for Worship and Preaching: Dr. Deok-Weon Ahn

Department Head for Spiritual Studies: Dr. Kang Hack Lee

Department Head for Leadership Studies: Dr. Jung-Sook Lee

TTCSP Google Classroom


Location: B1, contact: / 02)570-7383

Center for Biblical Research

The Torch Trinity Center for Biblical Research (TTCBR) opened in 2006 with the mission to contribute to the development of biblical studies by facilitating and distributing evangelical biblical research. The center was created with the following objectives

To foster and conduct rigorous research in the study of Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments.
To play a key role in building up evangelical interpretations of Scripture and in supporting world mission.
To publish resources and materials in support of biblical scholars, pastors, and seminarians in research and ministry.
To train the next generation of biblical researchers.In this endeavor, TTCBR currently facilitates several projects, including conducting academic seminars and major conferences, publishing a biblical studies journal, and supporting a biblical languages institute and an English colloquium for biblical scholars in Korea.

Academic Seminar
성서학연구센터01 TTCBR holds OT and NT seminars twice each semester, both for biblical studies students and for the larger seminary community. The seminars are open to all Torch Trinity students, faculty, and staff, including alumni/ae and guests of students and faculty. Special seminars continue in 2014 on textual criticism, interpretation of the OT, and other relevant issues in biblical studies.


Major Conference
Periodically, TTCBR, in collaboration with other schools and research centers, plans to host and support major biblical studies conferences and lecture series with renowned biblical scholars from abroad. The purpose of these events is to encourage and inform biblical studies in Korea and in Asia. In May 2007, the first lecture series hosted Professor Anthony Thiselton of the University of Nottingham, England, renowned for his publications in biblical hermeneutics and most recently the definitive commentary on the Greek text of 1 Corinthians. Special lectures and seminars for Dr. Peter Enns (OT) from Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, USA, and Prof. H. J. Bernard Combrink (NT) of the University of Stellenbosh, South Africa were held in 2008. In September 2014, Dr. Glen Taylor presented his article on the Psalms as a book about Jesus Christ as the suffering Messiah. 성서학연구센터02
English Colloquium
TTCBR sponsors and facilitates a colloquium of scholars who see the need to develop publications in English to contribute to worldwide biblical scholarship. The group of like-minded Korean and international scholars meet six times a year, presenting papers and debating issues in the English language. These scholars are committed to rigorous biblical scholarship and to publishing the results of their research in English for the international setting. The purpose of the colloquium is to develop Korean and Asian biblical studies to participate and influence biblical scholarship outside of Asia.
Bible Lecture Series
Every semester, TTCBR is opening bible lecture series for pastors and lay leaders who want to study bible more deeply, including our students and alumni.
Institute for Biblical Languages
The institute encourages the learning and usage of the biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek, by organizing bible studies and reading clubs in the original languages. In addition, the institute offers formal and intensive elementary Greek, both in English and in Korean, during the summer and winter breaks for MDiv students or any interested persons in a safe and comfortable learning environment, using the latest textbooks and technology. The intensive course during the summer/winter is equivalent to a full year of undergraduate beginning Greek and lasts four to five weeks. The course is divided into two parts, equivalent to two semesters. Students may choose to take one part if they wish. The goal of the course is to guide students to translation proficiency of most NT texts with minimal help. The Institute for Biblical Languages has developed and administers the Greek Proficiency Exam, which is a prerequisite for Greek exegesis courses at Torch Trinity. The proficiency exam is officially offered at least four times a year and tests basic translation competency, vocabulary, and verb parsing. Exams for higher levels of language proficiency are planned in the near future for those preparing for doctoral-level studies, both in Greek and in Hebrew. All successful candidates receive an official certificate of proficiency and this record remains on file permanently with the Institute.

: Director : Dr. Sook Goo Shin (NT)
: Dr. Hannah S. An (OT)
: Dr. Steven Chang (NT)
: Dr. Euichang Kim (NT)


Location : Building Floor B1, Contact : 02)570-7383 

※ Bible Exam Study Guide Purchase
Please understand that the Center for Biblical Research (TTCBR) cannot answer questions about the Bible Exam Study Guide over the phone. Please refer to the related FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions: Click here) or contact us by email (
For purchases, please visit the academic office (1F).

Torch Trinity Center for Islamic Studies

In 1992, the Torch Trinity Center for Islamic Studies (TTCIS) was established to cultivate a healthy atmosphere and attitude towards missions to Muslims. To this endeavor, the center has continuously been studying, publishing, and promoting ministry between the Korean church and the Islamic world.

The first half of this year opened with the center's Arabic language lectures, which is continuously very popular among various demographics. The center holds a beginner's Arabic class. The participants of the beginner's class will then later be able to take intermediate and advanced classes. The advanced class will allow students to read the Quran.

The center's journal, Muslim-Christian Encounter, publishes substantial material on Islamic theology, politics, and culture that are useful for ministry in the Islamic context. Two journal editions will be published in this year.


As TTCIS has been faithfully publishing its newsletter, Ishmael, Our Brother, for the past four years, the number of issues will be reached 121 later this year. It will contain dissertations and book reviews by missionaries as well as news and issues from the mission field.


Twice a year (spring/fall), open lectures on Islam are held by TTCIS for anyone who is interested in going or supporting missions in Islamic countries, maybe as missionaries, church leaders, and students or as professional lay persons. Our guest lecturers and speakers—all experts in the field of Islam mission and culture—bring valuable understanding of Islam theology and culture. Main topics for the lectures are understanding Islam, the theology of Islam, Muslim women and society, revival movements of Islam, Islamic Da’wah and how to evangelize Muslims, etc.

For more information, please contact TTCIS at 02)570-7563.

Torch Trinity Center for Education & Ministry

Torch Trinity Center for Education & Ministry (TTCEM) exists for the benefit of local and global churches & Christian schools. Since 2009, TTCEM has been serving to equip students for a vocation in churches, schools, and mission fields. Particularly, since 2014, TTCEM is coordinating the ACSI Certificate Program for the prospective teachers, principals, and counselors in local and global Christian Schools. Also, it hosts Christian education seminars from time to time and English Children’s and Youth Ministry Conference biennially.




ACSI Certificate Program

For more information (Click here)


Since 2014, Torch Trinity Center for Education & Ministry (TTCEM) has been running the “ACSI Teacher Certificate Program,” through which TTGU students can obtain an ACSI authenticated professional teacher certificate, recognized by ACSI member schools and Christian schools all over the world. TTCEM expanded the program and launched the “ACSI Principal Certificate Program’’ as well as the “ACSI School Counselor Certificate Program’’ from spring semester in 2018. In total, 119 students have acquired ACSI Teacher, Principal, and School Counselor certificates from 2014 to 2021 through ACSI Certificate Program. Almost 80% of Teacher and Principal Certificate holders are serving in various educational ministerial settings at schools, churches, and organizations.


What we ofter
English Children’s and Youth
Ministry Conference
ACSI Information Fair Future Ministry Plan
TTCEM hold a biennial English Children’s and Youth Ministry Conference. The conference combines lectures and practice, led by educational practitioners and scholars. Participants are refreshed and encouraged for their ministries. TTCEM continues to promote the ACSI Teacher, Principal, and School Counselor Certificate Program by hosting the information fair. This information fair is to introduce ACSI and ACSI Certificate Program of TTGU and to explain requirements for the certification and career opportunities. TTCEM plans to publish educational journals and books of practical and academic research in support of Christian educators. We also plan to support the English Ministry through the Pastors Networking Program. TTCEM is planning to provide CEU (Continuing Education Unit) courses in educational studies for Christian teachers in serve and preserve.
Director : Hyun-Joo Oh (Ph.D., Biola University, Talbot School of Theology)
Associate Director: Sinai Chung (Ph.D., Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary)
Assistant: Young Mi Ha (Ph.D. student, Torch Trinity Graduate University)



For more information, please contact TTCEM at 02)570-7565,


Torch Trinity Counseling Center was founded to take care of (1) people, (2) the local church, and (3) the worldwide church through overseas missions. We train professional Christian counselors to integrate the Bible and the study of counseling into their practice. Based on the practice of Christian counseling, our first goal is to lead people into healthier and balanced Christian lifestyles. Our second purpose is to develop and offer professional counseling programs for the local church so that they can build people up and spread the Good News effectively. Lastly, we offer assistance to people overseas especially in the mission fields. We appreciate all of your prayers and support for the Center.


With gratitude,
Kyungwha Hong
Director of Torch Trinity Counseling Center



Provides clinical training to educate professional Christian counselors who are equipped with mature and evangelical faiths, and outstanding counseling skills.
Develops counseling programs to support mission fields throughout the world, including selecting and training of missionary candidates and helping missionaries and their family.
Provides English counseling services for those who speak English.
Provides various kinds of psychological tests and counseling programs for students at Torch Trinity Graduate University supporting them to become ministers with mature and well-balanced characters.
Develops and provides various counseling-related small group programs to help Korean Christians to mature and recover according to their needs.


Dr. Eun Young Choi : Director

Dr. Eunnie R. Rhee

Dr. Kyungwha Hong

Dr. Soyoung Lee
Staff. Tae Eun Kim

For more information, please contact TTCC at 02)570-7115.