ㆍWithin The United States
- Bank Name/Number: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A (703)
- Branch Name and No.: Beverly Hills Downtown - 741572
- Account Title: Torch Trinity Foundation
- Account No.: 771188270
- Swift code: Chasus33
- Routing No.: 322271627
- Reference Required: Donor Name and Gift Designation
- Torch Trinity Foundation is registered with the U.S. federal government and the state of California. Donations through Torch Trinity Foundation are eligible for benefits such as tax deductions in accordance with IRS (Internal Revenue Service) regulations.
* Contact Information
(Torch Trinity Foundation : 27-1496712)
Address : 451 W. Lambert Road, Suite 217, Brea, CA 92821
ㆍWire Transfer from Other Countries to Korea
- Account Holder: Torch Trinity Graduate University
- Bank Name: Woori Bank
- Account No.: 1005-784-789012
- Bank Branch Location: 2 Baumero 27-gil, Secho-gu, Seoul 06762, Korea
If you wish to make a donation with an overseas bank-issued check, please send it to TTGU Planning & Development Office.
Planning & Development Office, Torch Trinity Graduate University
70 Baumero 31-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06752, Korea