Eun-Young Choi, PhD|Professor of Christian Counseling | Email : ey.choi@ttgu.ac.kr |
Dr. Choi has been teaching Christian counseling since she joined Torch Trinity in 2003. She received her bachelor of pharmacy from Seoul National University and M.A., Ph.D. in Couseling from the Department of Education of the same school. She completed her M.A. in theology from ACTS (Asia Center for Theological Studies and Mission). Before joining TTGU, she taught at Calvin University and lectured on counseling-related fields at Seoul National University, Ewha Womans University, Seoul National University of Education, Gyeongin National University of Education, and Youngin University. She has worked as a counselor at Seoul National University, Seoul National Psychiatric Hospital, and Korea Youth Counseling and Welfare Center. She currently serves as an editorial member of Korean Association of Christian Counseling and Psychology. She is also a pastor of the Korean Association of Independent Churches and Missions (KAICAM). She is married with two sons. |
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Eunnie R. Rhee, PsyD|Professor of Christian Counseling | Email : e.rhee@ttgu.ac.kr |
Dr. Rhee joined Torch Trinity in 2005. Dr. Rhee was born in Korea and immigrated with her family to the U.S. in 1982. Dr. Rhee received her bachelor of social work from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), and worked as a child welfare specialist for the state of Illinois, Department of Children and Family Services. To sharpen her clinical skills and understanding, she earned her MA in social work at the University of Chicago (Chicago, IL, USA), and then received her master's degree in biblical theology and doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Wheaton College in Illinois, USA. Her clinical experience includes counseling high school students in Chicago's public high schools, victims of sexual assault, adults at a Christian outpatient clinic, college students at a college counseling center, and traumatized children in a residential treatment facility. She served at New Life Counseling Center as a supervisor and clinical director for the children's program. She provides Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, and psychological assessment for children, adults, and missionary candidates. She is married with a son. |
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Kyungwha Hong, EdD|Professor of Christian Counseling | Email : kw.hong@ttgu.ac.kr |
Dr. Hong officially joined Torch Trinity in 2011. Her higher education has focused mostly on understanding children, adolescents, and their environments. She received her BA in educational psychology from Ehwa Womans University (Seoul) before going on to receive her MS in marital & family therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA, USA). She also earned an EdM & EdD in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard Graduate School of Education (Cambridge, MA, USA). Before coming to Torch Trinity, she was with the Talent R&D Center for two years and worked with the Global Talent Research Center at Seoul National University. Together they developed the Global Talent Indicator (GTI) which is a self-report measure that assesses adolescent capacities needed to work in today's global society. She is married with a son. |
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Dongjin Jang, PhD|Assistant Professor of Christian Counseling | Email : dj.jang@ttgu.ac.kr |
Dr. Jang joined Torch Trinity Graduate University as a full-time faculty member of Christian Counseling in 2020. He received his B.A. in Psychology from Chung Ang University (Seoul) and went to Torch Trinity Graduate University where he studied Christian Counseling. He earned M.A. and Ph.D. in Christian Counseling from TTGU. He previously taught Christian Counseling and general counseling at different universities and seminaries including Hoseo University, Soon Chun Hyang University, Korea Soongsil Cyber University, Westminster Graduate School of Theology, Catholic Kwandong University, and Hansung University. Just before coming to TTGU, he taught at Luther University as a full-time faculty member for three years, teaching Counseling Psychology. He is married with three children. |
Adjunct Professors | |||
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Choi, Youngmin Classes: 상담수퍼비전 - M.D.,Ph.D., Inje University - Retired Professor, Inje University, Sanggye Paik Hospital |
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Han, Young-Hye Classes: Supervision I & III, 가족상담이론 - Ph.D., Torch Trinity Graduate University - Completed, EMDR & Flash Technique Training |
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Jun, Soo Jung Classes: Counseling Procedure & Skills - Ph.D. Cand., Torch Trinity Graduate University - TCK Counseling Team Director, Torch Trinity Counseling Center |
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Kim, Eun Young Classes: 상담 수퍼비전 I, 상담세미나 - Ph.D., Torch Trinity Graduate University - (Former) Supervisor, Torch Trinity Counseling Center |
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Seo, Jung Woo Classes: 집단상담, 사역자를 위한 관계 및 소통기술 - Ph.D., Torch Trinity Graduate University - Professional Counselor, Torch Triniity Counseling Center |